July 28th, 2013

This charming arrangement is even more interesting when viewed from the top as the gooseneck stems appear to be flying in all directions!
7 stems Dahlia ‘Coral Gypsy’, grown by Jello Mold Farm
15 stems white love-in-a-mist (Nigella damascena), grown by J. Foss Garden Flowers
5 stems chartreuse Hypericum perforatum (a florist’s variety selected for its colorful fruit), grown by Jello Mold Farm
7 stems goldenrod (Solidago sp.), grown by J. Foss Garden Flowers
11 stems white gooseneck loosestrife (Lysimachia clethroides), grown by Jello Mold Farm
20 stems burnet foliage (Sanguisorba obtusa), grown by Charles Little & Co.
6-inch tall x 4-inch diameter glass vase
Transporting bouquets: Save your arrangement and your car with a smart stabilizing trick I learned from flower farmers who make frequent bouquet deliveries. Use a box that is at least half the height of your vase; seal the
top and bottom so you have an empty “cube.” Using a utility knife, cut a large X on one side of the box. The cuts should be approximately the same size as the vase diameter. Push the bottom of the vase into the X-opening. The
triangular cardboard flaps created by the cuts should bend inward to hold the vase securely while you drive.