Debra Prinzing

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First & Bloom’s Tammy Myers, an All-American Studio Florist (Episode 201)

Wednesday, July 8th, 2015
Meet Tammy Myers of First & Bloom, today's Slow Flowers Podcast guest.

Meet Tammy Myers of First & Bloom, today’s Slow Flowers Podcast guest.

A moss-covered swing on Tammy's farm is a lush spot to photograph one of her hand-tied bouquets.

A moss-covered swing on Tammy’s farm is a lush spot to photograph one of her hand-tied bouquets.

This week’s Slow Flowers Podcast guest is Tammy Myers, a Seattle studio florist with a focus on 100% American-grown flowers. Scroll down to read more, find links and to see photos of her design work.

It was completely fitting to interview Tammy during American Flowers Week, which just wrapped up July 4th with a fantastic level of involvement from flower farmers and floral designers all over the country.

From boutique growers to the largest flower farms in the country; from studio florists to grocery stores and wholesalers, too, we celebrated American Flowers Week as a grass roots education, promotion and advocacy campaign to highlight our nation’s flowers and foliage — and to raise awareness among consumers, the media and policymakers about supporting domestic flowers!

Source: Real-time Hashtag Tracking

Source: Real-time Hashtag Tracking

On Twitter and Instagram alone, mentions of #americanflowersweek generated more than 400k impressions in one month.

That’s pretty exciting for what was a mere idea six weeks ago!

Huge thanks to our top participants – without their intentional involvement and embrace of American Flowers Week, we would never have created so much beautiful buzz about this grassroots campaign.

FGF_American_Flowers_Week_InstagramTop post honors go to Farmgirl Flowers of San Francisco and Los Angeles for generating more than 3,500 likes on Instagram with a special “firecracker” bouquet promotion designed just for American Flowers Week. You rocked it, Farmgirl Team.