Heavenly Hydrangeas
10 stems mop-head hydrangeas (Hydrangea macrophylla), grown by Oregon Coastal Flowers
8 stems Geranium ‘Rozanne’, harvested from my garden
6 stems pincushion flower (Scabiosa sp.) in bud, grown by Choice Bulb Farms
11-inch tall x 10-inch diameter ceramic glazed vase (the opening is 5 inches)
From the Farmer
Give your hydrangeas a refreshing drink: Summer-harvested hydrangeas are considered to be shorter-lived than ones cut in autumn, giving them a reputation for not lasting long in a vase. You can revive wilting hydrangea
flowers, though. Five days after I made this bouquet, I took the entire arrangement apart, re-cut each hydrangea stem and submerged them in a cool, soaking bath in the kitchen sink for about 15 minutes. With the excess water shaken off, they were refreshed and re-hydrated, guaranteed to last a few more days in the vase.