Debra Prinzing

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Breaking News: Buyers step up for San Francisco Flower & Garden Show

Thursday, March 19th, 2009

Duane Kelly, owner of the popular Northwest Flower & Garden Show and the San Francisco Flower & Garden Show, dropped a big surprise gift into our laps last night at the SF Flower Show’s garden media reception in San Mateo, Calif.

While making remarks about the show’s history he announced that a deal was reached on Tuesday, March 17th with an investor group that will purchase the San Francisco Flower & Garden Show.

That means the show will go on! At least here in Northern California.

The 2010 San Francisco Flower & Garden Show will be staged by the new owners, a group of horticultural enthusiasts who recently joined forces to acquire and continue the wonderful spring event.  SF Garden Show LLC will be led by a new steering committee comprised of well-known landscape gardeners and growers including Davis Dalbok of Living Green, Mike Boss of Rock & Rose Landscapes, Robin Stockwell of Succulent Gardens, and led by Chairman Tim O’Shea of Greenworks Design.

The new team wants to ensure that the show will celebrate its 25th anniversary next year.

Congratulations to Duane Kelly and his awesome team of garden creators – the magical people who bring springtime to our gray, wet, cold days. Their legacy will continue in an exciting new way!

More details to follow. I filmed videotaped the announcement and remarks made by two of the new owners but I won’t be able to post my video clip until this weekend.

“Sustainable Spaces. Beautiful Places”

Friday, September 5th, 2008

 I’m standing with Richard Turner, editor-in-chief of Pacific Horticulture magazine. We’re volunteering at the 2008 NWFGS in Seattle, visiting with Dawn Chaplin, formerly a fellow board member of Northwest Horticultural Society and a great garden-touring pal (she’s now a Whatcom Co. Hort. Society board member).

The press release just arrived in my in-box, and it announced the 2009 Northwest Flower & Garden Show’s theme. It’s only six months away – and I’m already excited! The theme: SUSTAINABLE SPACES. BEAUTIFUL PLACES. I like it! A lot!

The Northwest Flower & Garden Show, created by my pal, the talented and visionary Duane Kelly, today announced its 2009 theme:

“. . . (the) show will place a major focus on gardening materials and techniques that are good for the environment,” said Duane Kelly, chairman and founder of the annual event, now in its twenty-first year. “Show goers can expect to come away with a number of great ideas that conserve resources such as water and soil while, at the same time, making their gardens more self-sustaining and easier to care for.

“During the past year, organic gardening and vegetable gardening have grown in popularity thanks to the public’s keen interest in doing what’s best for the environment.  The movement has also gained traction with consumers seeking homegrown fruits and vegetables that not only taste better but reduce ever increasing grocery bills.”